After two years of inspiring and insightful story workshops with our storytellers, we have released the Nemeth Narratives podcast, which aired from January 17 to June 6, presented by The Nemeth Foundation in partnership with San Diego Filipino Cinema.

The Nemeth Narratives is a collection of stories, narrated by the authors, that take us through their personal journeys intermingled with the rollercoaster ride of emotions. For some, it’s the first time they’ve shared. And it started with one thought…Everyone has a story.

Our collection of stories began as the participants coaxed their creativity out, for sharing – over plates of comforting Filipino food. Through the sounds of joyful communal meal sharing, together, we explored the concept of using a community friendly platform – a podcast – so that this group of younger generation artists and creatives in San Diego could share their journeys of hope.

It was not an easy process. It took several months of self-exploration and intuitive storytelling by each of our subjects before they each settled on a topic, focus, – and allowed themselves to hear their own voice – and share them with us, the audience.