We’d like to thank our 30+ attendees for tuning in on our very first virtual edition of Kapihan: Film Talk over Coffee moderated by filmmaker and SDFC Executive Director Benito Bautista and filmmaker and SDFC lead volunteer Leah Lombos. It’s quite awesome to have filmmakers, cinema lovers, and community supporters alike gather to virtually commune and continue the dialogue on the importance of storytelling and keeping creativity alive during the pandemic crisis.

Special shoutout to our amazing filmmaker guests Isabel Sandoval, Stephen Lee, and Chrissie de Guzman for sharing with us their valuable knowledge and experiences in filmmaking and their personal struggles and joy under under quarantine.

Stay tuned for SDFC’s upcoming online programs! Please follow us on Instagram and Facebook @sdfilipinocinema to get news and updates about our future events. Or subscribe to our e-newsletter here on our website. Ingat!